var fm_currentDate = new Date(); var FormCurrency_7 = '$'; var FormPaypalTax_7 = '0'; var check_submit7 = 0; var check_before_submit7 = {}; var required_fields7 = ["2","3","5"]; var labels_and_ids7 = {"2":"type_name","3":"type_submitter_mail","5":"type_address","11":"type_checkbox","1":"type_submit_reset"}; var check_regExp_all7 = []; var check_paypal_price_min_max7 = []; var file_upload_check7 = []; var spinner_check7 = []; var scrollbox_trigger_point7 = '20'; var header_image_animation7 = 'none'; var scrollbox_loading_delay7 = '0'; var scrollbox_auto_hide7 = '1'; var inputIds7 = '[]'; var update_first_field_id7 = 0; var form_view_count7 = 0; // Occurs before the form is loaded function before_load7() { } // Occurs just before submitting the form function before_submit7() { // IMPORTANT! If you want to interrupt (stop) the submitting of the form, this function should return true. You don't need to return any value if you don't want to stop the submission. } // Occurs just before resetting the form function before_reset7() { } // Occurs after form is submitted and reloaded function after_submit7() { } function get_adress_fields_ids( that ) { var id = jQuery(that).attr("wdid"); var disabled = []; /* This is the case when the address field is completely closed by condition. */ if ( jQuery(that).css('display') == 'none' ) { for (var i = 0; i <= 5; i++) { var name = jQuery(that).find(".wdform_" + id + "_address_" + i).attr("name"); if (typeof name !== "undefined") { var temp = name.split("_"); disabled.push(temp[1]); } } } /* This is the case when the fields in the address are closed with a condition. */ else { for (var i = 0; i <= 5; i++) { var field = jQuery(that).find(".wdform_" + id + "_address_" + i); if( field.parent().css('display') == 'none' ) { var name = field.attr("name"); if (typeof name !== "undefined") { var temp = name.split("_"); disabled.push(temp[1]); } } } } return disabled; } function onload_js7() { } function condition_js7() { } function check_js7(id, form_id) { if (id != 0) { x = jQuery("#" + form_id + "form_view"+id); } else { x = jQuery("#form"+form_id); } } function onsubmit_js7() { jQuery("").appendTo("#form7"); jQuery("").appendTo("#form7"); var disabled_fields = ""; jQuery("#form7 div[wdid]").each(function() { if(jQuery(this).css("display") == "none") { if( jQuery(this).children().first().attr("type") === "type_address" ) { var ids = get_adress_fields_ids( this ); if( ids.length > 0 ) { disabled_fields += ids.join(","); disabled_fields += ","; } } else { disabled_fields += jQuery(this).attr("wdid"); disabled_fields += ","; } } else if( jQuery(this).children().first().attr("type") === "type_address" ) { var ids = get_adress_fields_ids( this ); if( ids.length > 0 ) { disabled_fields += ids.join(","); disabled_fields += ","; } } }) if(disabled_fields) { jQuery("").appendTo("#form7"); }; } function unset_fields7( values, id, i ) { rid = 0; if ( i > 0 ) { jQuery.each( values, function( k, v ) { if ( id == k.split('|')[2] ) { rid = k.split('|')[0]; values[k] = ''; } }); return unset_fields7(values, rid, i - 1); } else { return values; } } function ajax_similarity7( obj, changing_field_id ) { jQuery.ajax({ type: "POST", url: fm_objectL10n.form_maker_admin_ajax, dataType: "json", data: { nonce: fm_ajax.ajaxnonce, action: 'fm_reload_input', page: 'form_maker', form_id: 7, inputs: obj.inputs }, beforeSend: function() { if ( !jQuery.isEmptyObject(obj.inputs) ) { jQuery.each( obj.inputs, function( key, val ) { wdid = key.split('|')[0]; if ( val != '' && parseInt(wdid) == parseInt(changing_field_id) ) { jQuery("#form7 div[wdid='"+ wdid +"']").append( '
' ); } }); } }, success: function (res) { if ( !jQuery.isEmptyObject(obj.inputs) ) { jQuery.each( obj.inputs, function( key, val ) { wdid = key.split('|')[0]; jQuery("#form7 div[wdid='"+ wdid +"'] .fm-loading").remove(); if ( !jQuery.isEmptyObject(res[wdid]) && ( !val || parseInt(wdid) == parseInt(changing_field_id) ) ) { jQuery("#form7 div[wdid='"+ wdid +"']").html( res[wdid].html ); } }); } }, complete: function() { } }); } function fm_script_ready7() { if (jQuery('#form7 .wdform_section').length > 0) { fm_document_ready( 7 ); } else { jQuery("#form7").closest(".fm-form-container").removeAttr("style") } if (jQuery('#form7 .wdform_section').length > 0) { formOnload(7); } var ajaxObj7 = {}; var value_ids7 = {}; jQuery.each( jQuery.parseJSON( inputIds7 ), function( key, values ) { jQuery.each( values, function( index, input_id ) { tagName = jQuery('#form7 [id^="wdform_'+ input_id +'_elemen"]').attr("tagName"); type = jQuery('#form7 [id^="wdform_'+ input_id +'_elemen"]').attr("type"); if ( tagName == 'INPUT' ) { input_value = jQuery('#form7 [id^="wdform_'+ input_id +'_elemen"]').val(); if ( jQuery('#form7 [id^="wdform_'+ input_id +'_elemen"]').is(':checked') ) { if ( input_value ) { value_ids7[key + '|' + input_id] = input_value; } } else if ( type == 'text' ) { if ( input_value ) { value_ids7[key + '|' + input_id] = input_value; } } } else if ( tagName == 'SELECT' ) { select_value = jQuery('#form7 [id^="wdform_'+ input_id +'_elemen"] option:selected').val(); if ( select_value ) { value_ids7[key + '|' + input_id] = select_value; } } ajaxObj7.inputs = value_ids7; jQuery(document).on('change', '#form7 [id^="wdform_'+ input_id +'_elemen"]', function() { var id = ''; var changing_field_id = ''; if( jQuery(this).attr("tagName") == 'INPUT' ) { if( jQuery(this).is(':checked') ) { id = jQuery(this).val(); } if( jQuery(this).attr('type') == 'text' ) { id = jQuery(this).val(); } } else { id = jQuery(this).val(); } value_ids7[key + '|' + input_id] = id; jQuery.each( value_ids7, function( k, v ) { key_arr = k.split('|'); if ( input_id == key_arr[2] ) { changing_field_id = key_arr[0]; count = Object.keys(value_ids7).length; value_ids7 = unset_fields7( value_ids7, changing_field_id, count ); } }); ajaxObj7.inputs = value_ids7; ajax_similarity7( ajaxObj7, changing_field_id ); }); }); }); if ( update_first_field_id7 && !jQuery.isEmptyObject(ajaxObj7.inputs) ) { ajax_similarity7( ajaxObj7, update_first_field_id7 ); } form_load_actions(); } jQuery(function () { fm_script_ready7(); });